@kallum-redgrave said in windows 10 21H2 FOGService not starting:

sc config FOGService start= delayed-auto
shutdown -t 0 -r

Just for reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/add-a-custom-script-to-windows-setup?view=windows-11


You can’t reboot the system and resume running SetupComplete.cmd. You should not reboot the system by adding a command such as shutdown -r. This will put the system in a bad state.*

Since I don’t use the fog client on my campus I can’t verify. The original post can be read a few ways.

Is the SC program failing to configure the FOG Service to start? The SC program is working correctly and the service is set to start but the FOG Service fails to start?

Which is the case?