I did actually try the Kitchen Sink with the second computer with the onboard nic, after we found out it would work with the first one, but no go, we still had to put in DLink Pci cards, also if anyone else uses this Method of “Madness” for their fix, windows will not load with the ACPI left disabled, it got me for a second
but I will try to ticker ( if spare time is around ) and see what all is affected and whats not, Also I will check into Tom’s Work, if you know him personally or if you talk to him, let him know I said Thank You for the hard work, there’s a lot of this stuff I do not know, I actually got my first “networking IT” job at my old high school, I work with a Very well educated IT guy, but there’s a lot I still need to learn, There is so much haha, but I have been in the computer “scene” since I was young, 21 now, but I went to a votech for Networking, but If you have Any Suggestions for me I would be more than Happy to read some topics or any ideas
Thanks Again Jaymes