on the subject of “not using nfsv3” i have an idea on how to reimplement torrent-casting. clients receiving images wouldn’t need file level access at all (though uploads would still need nfs).
would there be any interest?
on the subject of “not using nfsv3” i have an idea on how to reimplement torrent-casting. clients receiving images wouldn’t need file level access at all (though uploads would still need nfs).
would there be any interest?
for virtualbox, i recall having better luck if i set up the vm OS version as being “windows 7”
since you’re able to get the furthest with that, maybe give that a try
@Tom-Elliott i think we should default to Y/n instead of y/N
most people don’t care one way or the other and will just click through, let the people who care chose not to send it
@Wayne-Workman shall we make the stats public, because “why not” and to be transparent about what we collect?
@THEMCV to be honest, i’m not sure. i haven’t been involved much between the new kernel size being experimental to it being in production. i just recognized the problem.
@THEMCV You need to update a FOG Configuration->Fog Settings parameter->TFTP Server->KERNEL RAMDISK SIZE set it to 275000 from the original value of 127000
@Wayne-Workman i realize i’m coming into this really late, but why not randomize what day of the week we collect the data as well, and we can just look at the window of “last 7 days” when we look at the data?
@Technolust no, this is not something fog is capable of or designed for.
@Lindelosbosques if your network can’t handle the deployment of multiple image tasks, perhaps reduce the number of “Max Clients”
@zfeng in a postdownload script, so that it will run when the imaging process completes but before the imaging task completes
@zfeng you could do something like wget -o /root/script.sh <address>/script.sh; echo “Computer=$hostname /root/script.sh” > <drive mount point>/etc/init.d/oneshot.sh
something like that.
@zfeng it sounds like George’s method of creating a file in /etc/init.d on the target disk would work well for you. you can find info on creating postdownload scripts by searching on the forums
@zfeng if you give some more info on what the script is actually doing, we might be able to help you find the best solution faster
@zfeng variables such as the host name are available for use scripting within FOS. this info comes from the host’s profile that gets created when you register a host with FOG.
or run the script with the fog client as a snapin
@george1421 one option for eliminating the network card as the source of the problem (not completely, but mostly) is to boot with a usb adapter plugged in as well, both plugged into the network, and after ipxe loads unplug the network from the built in adapter.