sorry , my bad, my actual code is:
item --gap – ------------- Advanced Menu --------------
item hirens10 Hirens Boot 10
item hirens15 Hirens Boot 15
item w64 Windows 7 64b
item RETURN Return to the Top Menu
choose --default RETURN --timeout 30000 target && goto ${target}
initrd http://${fog-ip}/iso/hirensboot10.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
goto MENU
initrd http://${fog-ip}/iso/hirensboot15.iso
chain memdisk ||
goto MENU
initrd http://${fog-ip}/iso/w764.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
goto MENU
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} ||
goto MENU
hirens10 works
hirens15 not working ( tried with iso raw and without it )
w764 not working ( tried with iso raw and without it )