I am on the IT team for a school district with 4 buildings. We’re working on getting FOG set up in our environment. Currently, I’m stuck on the following:
What I want to accomplish:
- Computers in specific FOG groups ( e.g. Middle School Teachers) to be placed in the appropriate OU (e.g. OU=MS Teachers Laptops,OU=Teachers,OU=Computers,OU=MS,DC=EXAMPLE,DC=local) during imaging.
What’s currently happening:
- If I perform a full host registration, even if I associate the computer to the group I want, it seems to just apply default domain settings or not join domain at all.
- If I perform a quick host registration, then manually set the computer to the group I want via the web interface, it doesn’t seem to join the computer to domain.
At best, if I go through full host reggy, and tell it to specify domain, it will join our domain but pop it in our Default Computers OU, ignoring group settings.
Is there a “Good And Proper” way to accomplish my goal here?