Okay when creating a new image that was resizable I receive the dirty filesystem 0,0 error.
rebooted the system and turned fast startup off.
After doing so I was able to create the image successfully.
Tried to deploy the newly created image on the smaller HDD and so far so good we are writing the image now.
Recap for marking the post solved.
Could not image HDD with known good image was getting a “No image file(s) found that would match the partition(s) to be restored (performRestore)”
Ran Debug mode to see what partitions were being created on the HDD.
Checked the partition table on the image on the server.
Noticed that the image was a MPS(Multiple Partition Single Disk) and HDD in host was smaller than the original used to create the image.
Disabled Fast booting on the host I need to re-create an image from.
Re-created an image using SDR (Single Disk Resizable).
Was then able to deploy the image to the host with the smaller HDD with no problems.