What’s odd is that it doesn’t work in legacy mode on my laptop but does work in whatever the other mode is. I wouldn’t call it UEFI mode because the laptop has both UEFI and BIOS modes and is permanently set in BIOS mode. It is indeed UEFI mode. The other odd thing about all of this, is that it works in both UEFI and BIOS modes when booting as a virtual machine in ESXi 6.5 which is where I have been doing most of my testing since it is much easier than rebooting my laptop over and over. I am going to continue to play around with it. I can always fall back to booting any systems that fail PXE booting by booting from the GRUB4DOS USB harddrive and/or flash drive which accomplishes the same thing. I was just trying to avoid having to have the USB drive available at all times. Plus since I have ethernet throughout the entire house, it was a fun project to work on.