Hi all,

I finish my labo With Windows storage node with few problems of permission at first. Like the need to grant permission to create and delete files and [COLOR=#ff0000]DIRECTORY[/COLOR] on the ftp user (user filezilla).
At the end of the capture task, FOG needs to rename the image file. Then, if my storage path is:
c:\images\ dev
With filezilla, I must create a user by giving all rights to c:\ , c:\images, and c:\images\dev to complete my lab.

Should I do the same thing for the user that I created on the NAS? because when I create, on the NAS, a user with RW on my share “images”, it’s not allow me to capture or deploy an image. I am forced to use the administrator account of my NAS to make this happen. So like with Filezilla, in my NAS the ftp user must have full access to the root ? (and i did not see this option in QNAP)

Thanks in advance 😄