Hey everyone,
I installed a windows 11 with the free iso image download link from Microsoft and I do not have a license for it. I did not install anything except the google chrome and graphic driver.
I used the sysprep tool in order to create a template image. Then I captured this image and I deployed this image on other machines. I followed the instructions in order to create usernames for other machines. After this, I captured the image for every machine in a different image. Now I have some questions:
1- Why do I get a blue screen with this message when I boot my machine after deploying “Your PC ran into a problem and needs a restart.” What do I miss? what was wrong with the entire process?
2- I know windows images are dependent on SID. But Having a separate image for all machines is quite crazy. How can I have one image for all machines?
3- How can I create a template image so that I can maintain that image up to date easier? I do not like to install windows 11 from scratch every time I want to propose a new update.
4- I know how Sysprep works. What is your best recommendation for installing windows 11 every week on hundred machines? Could I have an engineering solution review in this post?
Thank you for your kind attention.