@jacyjacy77 While I realize this won’t help you, I do find this entreging from a secops perspective. So the bad actors were able to compromise the cloud hosting provider, compromise the command and control function to reset the devices. This is just a postmortum question, but can you manage these devices without a cloud account? Is there local management features? If you can manage them locally, the simple security fix is to assign a static IP address and subnet mask to this device but don’t set a gateway address. The device will not know how to leave your local network. There will be no chance for it to access the cloud controller or receive external commands. That way the device should remain functionally locally and not have the risk of external compromise. Firmware updates haven’t been issued since 2015 so unless WD fix this hole with a firmware update that probably the easiest and most assured way to keep using this device if you are so inclined.