Hello all, I’m having some problems with fog 0.33B (r1519). The set up of Fog went without too many issues and I’ve updated my DNS/DHCP server appropriately and I can now access the web interface, add machines and upload images via iPXE. The problem comes when I attempt to deploy the image, part clone starts but I end up with the following message;
Starting to restore image (-) to device (dev/sda1)
It then remains like that ad nauseam.
It does appear to wipe the system but fails to deploy the stored image, having no experience of part clone I can only speculate that it’s because it’s failing to find the image on server or is failing to pick up what image it should be using from Fog (speculation from seeing image (-) where I would assume that it should say image (<image name>)), I’ve checked the /images folder and the image is in the correct folder and the permissions are set for fog to be able to access the folder (hence it can upload without any issues).
Unfortunately there are no errors in the multicast log and having gone through the config section of the site and the config.php file with a fine tooth comb I can’t see where it would be failing, here’s a summary of the system that I’m running;
OS: Debian Wheezy running as a virtual machine on ESXi
MySQL client version: 5.5.31
In terms of images I’ve created two images, the first was built using VMPlayer (win7 32 bit), prepared using the fog prep tool and sysprep with an unattend.xml file, the second is the same but using a physical machine on the off chance VMPlayer was doing something to the image (clutching at straws!).
I’m at a loss