I’ve found a document on doing it. Will need to create a manual jumper with a paperclip. I don’t mind giving it a go. We have cover so if I blow it up, we will get it replaced
Posts made by ITCC
RE: Is there any way to pxe boot from the lan when i cannot enable it from bios
RE: Is there any way to pxe boot from the lan when i cannot enable it from bios
yeh, should be a jumper or remove internal battery. I have the same machines, I’ll take a look for you on Wednesday / Friday.
RE: Is there any way to pxe boot from the lan when i cannot enable it from bios
Have you looked at removing the bios password so you can make the changes?
Schedule tasks
Can someone please explain all the features on the schedule task page ( and give example of data)
RE: DisplayManager not changing Res
found code online for FOG Service.
[url]http://fossies.org/dox/fog_0.32/MOD__DisplayManager_8cs_source.html[/url] -
DisplayManager not changing Res
I have checked and the global setting is on.
I have also enabled it for the host and set the res.The FOG.log says:
Changing RES
Change complete.But it says at 800x600
Any advise?
Where are you located ? Please Reply..
I want to know of others using FOG in my area. Just post your Town/City and lets see how many people we can link up.
So i’m
Hampshire, UK -
RE: Daily / Weekly re-imaging grouped by IP
I would look at my image & make it work for every room. how many images do you have. please give an example of a difference
RE: Daily / Weekly re-imaging grouped by IP
Another quick one… Would work but your not going to do it…
Put two NICs in every machine & add the 2nd NIC to a FOG only network. -
RE: Daily / Weekly re-imaging grouped by IP
as you have said they are all on their own VLAN’s & Subnets. So i guess they cannot all be seen by one location/subnet.
FOG’s not going to be able to puch to the machine with this level of secuirty. Now having a quick think I would look at running another network alongside your existing network. So you could use another VLAN but one that runs to evey room (one port) then put another switch under your current. you can then repatch the machines into your imaging VLAN to be processed. One complete, you put them back on their VLAN.
Thats a quick think, i’ll have another one
RE: Old FOG Fourm
Could we not add some threads saying that there is a new forum and any questions will go unanswered. (like you did.)
Also rename the groups from “help” to “Help - Archive forum”
Just plaster notes all over saying it’s closed and there is a new one. -
RE: Integrating ISO Hiren's boot CD into fog
Sorry, I have tried to follow this and I can’t get it working.
any extra hints please…I found something that said you can’t append a initrd to a memdisk…
Old FOG Fourm
I was looking at the wiki and tried to follow a link to the old forum.
Can we not have the old forum in read-only or something so we can still read the posts. -
RE: Infinite booting loop
Yeh, chainloading is the answer… Somehow i missed the posts.
Once you get into it, changeloading was easy and only took 10 mins.
RE: Windows 7: How to avoid manually activating each machine after deployment.
little note for this thread. If your using KMS, don’t use skip rearm in your unattend.
This will cause all machine to look like one machine in the eye’s of the KMS server. So your host count will drop below 24 & then not work anymore.
Fog forum IRC
is it just me or does the IRC page not connect to server.
i’m guessing it’s irc.freenode.net [COLOR=#ff0000]#fog[/COLOR] as we have been here for a while…
CORRECTION: #fogimaging
RE: Task not starting
Check the MAC address is correct in the host record for that machine.
Or see if you can register the machine again. If it’s all correct, fog will say that you can’t add it.
If it asks for a hostname etc… then someing in the other record is incorrect.
RE: Impossible to join my AD domain
You can password protect all options on the menu. apart from the boot from PC…