[quote=“SaxxAppeal, post: 28134, member: 24189”]Hello all,
I have created a VirtualBox VDI of Ubuntu 14 Server, with FOG already installed. This can be downloaded and run using Oracle’s free VirtualBox software. The setup uses DNSMasq, and a chain loaded PXE Boot menu with custom PXE Boot options (in this case, you can PXE Boot Puppy LINUX for data recovery). I also did a quick write up (with screenshots!) of how to go about changing the IP address of the server, and in the FOG software. It could be used as a production VM, or someone could dig around and see how everything is configured… It’s probably not perfect, but this is the setup that works great for my environment (and should work for most other environments, too).
If anyone is interested in the download link, please PM me and I will share. I hope this proves useful to someone out there!
THANK YOU to the FOG developers for your hard work on a great project!!![/quote]
I am super interested in this. can I please have a download? Can I run this on its own server other than a virtual box?