I will build a test system using the newest versions of Debian and Fog today. I’ll post back soon with the results and maybe attempt to fix the older system later.
I will build a test system using the newest versions of Debian and Fog today. I’ll post back soon with the results and maybe attempt to fix the older system later.
It is possible. That is my plan in the event I can’t solve the problem using the current versions.
When create a a task to run “instantly” I have no problems. However, when I schedule a task for both “cron style” and “delayed” the task never leaves the scheduled tasks to the active.
Her is what I have tried:
I did have a problem with the timezone being GTC/UTC. At first when I scheduled a task I received an error stating the time had already passed. I corrected the necessary php files to my local time America/Denver.
I gave the “fog” user sudo permission
I gave the “www-data” user sudo permission
I’ve been checking the crontab to see if there have been any entries to schedule the task, but there are never any changes.
Also note: The default password for the user “fog” I discovered is different from the root user, and mysql password in case this is not normal.
My question is:
Does there have to be “sudo” at the beginning of certain commands fog is running?
How can I check to see if the task is being created in the database?
If so, how can I see if the database task is being sent elsewhere to run?
Lastly, Is there a way I can manually enter the task in the crontab since the UI may not have permission or perhaps something in php is wrong?
Thanks in advance