@george1421 Yes - like deepfreeze. I am able to schedule an image deployment using FOG cron. Would I do:
- 5 PM backup of the golden image on the server
- 6 PM DEPLOY golden image at 6 PM (done through FOG task CRON scheduling)
- 7 PM use crontab to update/upgrade with the system running after the deployment, what/how do I run an upgrade and update (i.e. what single command could I run in CRONTAB to accomplish this?) I could run an Ubuntu system upgrade once per month or so. Or do all these updates and upgrades run automatically – how can I set the time?
- 7:50 PM do a CRONtab reboot
50 19 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r +5
- 8 PM CAPTURE new golden image (done through FOG task CRON scheduling)
- 9 PM DEPLOY new golden image to the entire computer lab (.done through FOG task CRON scheduling)
BTW, I have FOG on the client machine (at least it runs at boot, using PXE)