Hello everyone,
[I am new to the forum, I thank in advance those who will be interested in the following post]
I have a question about the post-installation method, specifically about the unattend.xml file.
- Step 1 [OK] : I created an image, which we can call “Golden Image” with an unattend.xml file that I then captured via FOG.
=> My unattend file does not contain the command to run a post install script like Powershell or SetupComplete.cmd
- Step 2 [OK] : I then used these 2 guidlines to copy the drivers according to the computer model:
=> This method allows me to :
- Update the unattend file (unattend.xml) here: C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep
- Drop the drivers folder here: C:\Drivers\
- Install powershell scripts here: C:\FOG
Current folder structure :
[Parent Folder] C:\FOG
[Subfolder] C:\FOG\Master_Script [Script .PS1 calling each .PS1]
[Subfolder] C:\FOG\Scripts [ Mutiple Scripts .PS1]
[Subfolder] C:\FOG\Logs [Logs files]
These scripts contains code to install : Drivers, FOG client,specific configurations
I’d like to know if the unattend file I’m updating via the post-installation method is updated before the OS starting the image that has already been “syprep”. So that I can update it dynamically.
This would also allow me to run my script located at this level: C:\FOG\Master_Script … because I didn’t indicate this in the nitial unattend.xml file. -
is it possible to rename automatically (with script?) the machine after post-sysprep initialization, reusing the computer name from Full Inventory ?
Thank you for your replies