Thank you so much, I made the changes I needed in the bootmenu.class.php file (line 528) and now the prompt is in french !

$Send['chainhide'] = array( 'cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch i386', "iseq \${platform} efi && set key 0x1b || set key $KSKey", "iseq \${platform} efi && set keyName ESC || " . "set keyName $KSName", "prompt --key \${key} --timeout $this->_timeout " . "Demarrage en cours... (Presser la touche \${keyName} pour acceder au menu) && " . "goto menuAccess || $this->_bootexittype",

I know it might sound trivial, but I would like to insert some kind of ascii logo to warn my users that it’s time to press the escape button. I can’t figure out how to insert a line break in the line of code below without breaking things… I would like to display someting like :

. "Demarrage en cours... "line break" _____ "line break" / __ \ "line break" | / \/ ___ _ __ _ __ "line break" | | / _ \| '__| '_ \ "line break" | \__/\ (_) | | | |_) |"line break" \____/\___/|_| | .__/ "line break" | | "line break" |_| "line break" (Presser la touche \${keyName} pour acceder au menu) && "

Thank you again for your time !

