using fog version 1.1.0 under an ubuntu 12.04.
We have noticed that multicast deployments does not launch snap-ins assigned to the hosts.
We guess it is a bug. Could you check that?
Thanks a lot.
UPC - Barcelona
using fog version 1.1.0 under an ubuntu 12.04.
We have noticed that multicast deployments does not launch snap-ins assigned to the hosts.
We guess it is a bug. Could you check that?
Thanks a lot.
UPC - Barcelona
Hi Tom,
just a question that worry me. Is it necessary to change fog client with this new fog version or the old one (0.32) works?
we have realized that when we start a deployment without snap-ins, a snap-in Job is crated (new register in snapinJobs table with status 0). That causes that following snap-ins are not executed. And that register is never deleted.
Could you put en eye on that?
Thanks and regards.
Hi Tom,
Can it be that the search use snapinAssoc table and the SELECT lacks DISTINCT clause? That would explain the repetititon.
we are using fog 1.1.0 (latest) with ubuntu 12.04 and we have noticed that doing snap-in search from snap-in management we get the same snap-in repeated a lot of times.
We guess that is a bug, isn’t it?
Hi Tom,
finally it seems solved. But I have had to make another action to make snap-ins work. You know that there is a change in snap-in file selection; i chose it from a select list an then click on “update” to make it efective, and then you see the file in the “sap file max size” box. But after migration to 1.0.1, in that box there is the whole path of file and that makes snap-in file download fails. It is necessary to click the “update” button i all of your snap-ins to make it work fine.
I think that is so much important to advise users who are going to migrate. So my advise for them regarding to snap-ins will be:
[]double-check that your snap-in task tables are empty, specially if you see after migration snap-in tasks in fog console which should not be there
[]apply update on all of your snap-ins
Thank you very much for your hep Tom.
I hope not to bother you more (at least in short ;))
THanks Tom, you were right. Table snapinJobs was full of trash. I have emptied it and now I get a right response from the snap-in url query.
I’m going to try now.
I’ve got a blank page, writing the mac address in lowercase or in uppercase.
There isn’t wireless. It’s an assigned host mac. So I guess the snap-in isn’t found in the database. Can it be?
Yeah, I noticed that and I checked it global and locally. But it ignores de snap-in anyway.
In apache logs when the fog client looks for snap-ins: - - [26/May/2014:17:42:35 +0200] “GET /fog/service/snapins.checkin.php?mac=00:0E:0C:5E:17:AE HTTP/1.1” 200 276 “-” “-”
What else can it be?
Here we go again,
we have several queued snapins but fog client seem not to see them, so nothing it is done and snap-ins remain in the queue.
Is there something I need to configure anywere?
Thanks in advance once more.
I get it from
svn co [url]https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freeghost/code/tags/1.0.1[/url] /opt/fog_1.0.1
and it’s the same thing. Maybe it is in another repository,isn’t it?
Thanks for your answer Tom.
Now I have tried the bzImage that comes by default (3.14.3) and it works without errors.
Thanks anyway.
we have seen that changing kernel parameter in fog group doesn not change it in host members.
Is it because group setting override host setting or is it a bug?
Hi again,
now I realized that the downloaded kernel goes to /tmp, so I can move from there to ipxe.
Anyway my client don’t start bzImage giving a “Kernel panic - not syncing; No init found.”.
Any ideas Tom? Please!
Thanks in advance!
Hi Tom,
I have ubuntu too. Where have I to put de “sudo” in?
In case using wget to get the kernel as you suggent in the FAQ, what filename must I use to get de 39.1 kernel? I can not list them to know it. What are the rules to name them?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot Tom, that solved the issues. Great!.
Excuse me if it was so obvious to ask it here.
Now it’s time to test this brand new fog version.
Best regards.
UPC - Barcelona
Hi again,
so I have upgraded central an storage fog servers to 1.0.1, but something is wrong with storage repositories.
[]From initial dashboard console if I try to select disk information about a storage server I get a “failed to connect to” Error
[]Storage servers can not start FOG* daemons. If I try to start one manually I get this error: "PHP Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 95
PHP Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 156
I have double-check storage passwords and they seem ok.
What else can it be?
Please help!!
Hi men,
first of all thanks to all fog developer team for this excellent job. It’s been a long time since last update, but I’m sure it is worth.
We are anxious to upgrade to 1.0.1 but we have one central fog installation with 3 storage repositories servers, and we are not sure about the upgrade path. We think we must start with the central server and upgrade storage servers later.
Could you give some light about this to us?
Thanks in advance.