@foguser said in Client doesn't boot from FOG:
When i bootet it again, it did not care again and just downloaded the citrix nbp-file.
This is why I need to see the pcap file, not a picture of it but the actual file so I can peek at its bits. I need to see who is telling what to load.
opened up all ports on the fog server, to make sure nothing is blocked, but i was again only seeing dhcp requests and discoveries. Not to my surprise because the client does, as mentioned above, never try to boot from there.
The fog server is not in the picture at the moment. Right now the actors are the pxe booting computer and what ever dhcp servers respond to the target computer. FOG comes into play as soon as the target computer asks for the boot file pointed to by dhcp option 67. Your focus needs to be capturing what dhcp server is telling the client. That will be in the pcap. I only care (read want to see) the dhcp packets that is why I recommended using the capture filter of port 67 and port 68