@flodo First let me say I don’t know Ansible, I know of it but that is about it. So I always force my way through things.

But with imaging there are two approaches to take.

Leave bread crumbs (deploy time configuration info) behind for the target OS to pick up with its internal setup program to consume. In the MS Windows realm that might be mounting the C drive and updating the unattend.xml file with deployment time settings like computer name, calculated target OU, timezone, etc.

Using a FOG postinstall script to mount the root partition on the target computer and use a bash script to make system changes like set the hostname in /etc/hostname and other parameters that the target system will need at first boot. If you can script it with bash you can probably update it in the target linux OS. When you are done, you would unmount the mounted partition and then let FOG finish with the deployment and reboot the target computer. I have an example of how to do this for windows, it can easily be translated to linux.

If you wanted to go the ansible route, then you need to identify what you need on the FOS Linux OS and then we/you will need to include that plus the ansible code when FOS Linux is compiled. It is not as hard as it sounds. You need to find the dependencies needed for ansible and then update the buildroot configuration to included the dependencies. FWIW: the FOS engine does have ssh server installed, but with only one user root. So to login remotely to the FOS Linux engine you need to give root a password then you can connect remotely to FOS Linux over ssh.