@fhhowdy said in Dell XR11 No Bootable Media:

For FOG imaging having uefi secure boot disabled is a requirement.

I’m wondering if sending a different image to the machine might be possible. Where does FOG select the image that is selected? Where are these images stored?

This explaination will take a little setup. In fog you create image definitions in the webui. Then you register a computer with FOG. This lets fog capture the target computers hardware info and stores it in the database. Part of the registration process it asks what image do you want to connect this computer to. Now when you configured a FOG image capture task and pxe boot the target computer the target computer will know what image location to store the captured image into. For this example lets say your target computer had a debian image so you just captured that and stored the image in the debian image definition. Now you go and create a rocky linux image definition. You can now update your target computer’s image definition to point to the rocky linux image definition from debian. The debian image is still there, but now we are going to capture the rocky linux image into FOG. So lets say we repeat that process for Windows 2019 and 2020. So now you have 4 captured images and 1 target computer defined in FOG.

Lets say you pxe boot a new computer, and boot into the FOG iPXE menu. From the fog ipxe menu you can pick Deploy Image and then deploy any of those 4 captured images to this new computer. System builders use this method, that I call “Load and Go” You can deploy an image to a target computer without registering it with FOG. You lose FOG’s management capabilities, but for system builders once they load the OS they will never see the computer again. But in your case you should register all of your computers with FOG for post deployment management capabilities. Don’t misunderstand, you can still use the pxe boot -> deploy image route with registered computers too.