I’m new on fog, so please, be patient. I’m a VM in VirtualBox with Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits in my laptop with Win8. I installed Fog 1.1.1 without any problems, apparently. In the network settings on VB, i’m using my ethernet port, which is connected to a TP-Link router, that have its DHCP enable.
The fog webserver is running and I can access from my laptop. I (i…i…i…sorry, english isn’t my first language) add the MAC of another VM which doesn’t have any system, just boot from iPXE, that can get the ip from the router which i can also ping, from my laptop or the VM with ubuntu. The image was add too, with no problem.
When i try to boot from the VM, without system, i get the following messages:
net0: 08:00:27:99:A7:5D using 82540em on PCI00:03.0 (open)
[Link:up, TX:27 TXE:0 RX:10698 RXE:10659]
[RXE: 1 x “Error 0x44e6003 ([url]http://ipxe.org/440e6003[/url])”]
[RXE: 1 x “The socket is not connected ([url]http://ipxe.org/380f6001[/url])”]
DHCP (net 08:00:27:99:A7:5D)… ok
net0: gw
Nothing to boot: No such file or directory ([url]http://ipxe.org/2d03e13b[/url])
Maybe there’s something too obvious that i can see on all that error messages…i’m sorry about it. I have google since monday about it, but couldn’t make that work. I also try using on fedora20 in the same scenario, with the same result. I tried use an physical pc, using PXE on a Intel motherboard, which i can’t write the log right now.
On the web page, when i add the mac of the VM that should receive the image, i got an error message saying: “Unable to resolve hostname”.
I hope i made myself clear enough. Please, help!