After wandering the forum, I’ve seen many posts that look like the problem we are facing but I found no answer yet.
Here is our situation :
- we have two vlans hosting two ADs (so with their own DHCP, DNS, etc.) : one for the staff, the other for the students,
- I set up a fog server (VM) with two NICS, one in each of these vlans, so FOG has two IP addresses (staffIP@ on eth0 and studentIP@ on eth1),
- FOG is managed through the staff vlan,
- we want to be able to manage imaging on both IP segments.
FOG 1.2.0 is installed on a Jessie VM.
Naively (and also by curiosity) I tried to upload an image from the staff vlan and an other from the student vlan.
The staff vlan imaging works flawlessly. On the student side, I was happily surprised to see the station managing to boot through pxe (so with the right IP). But that was too nice, and the NFS mount crashed with this message :
- Mounting File System…mount : mounting on /images failed: connection timed out.
Well, that was with no real surprise : is the staffIP@ of the server as is the studentIP@.
So I tried something. I created on the same FOG server a student Storage Node with:
- as IP,
- eth1 as NIC,
- /images as the image path,
- the same user/password as the DefaultMember Storage Node.
I attached it to a Storage group called ‘Student Group’ and then linked the station image to this ‘Student Group’.
Then the imaging seems to go without any problem :
But when I look into /images I cannot see any directory for the image, except in /images/dev where there is a directory which name is the MAC address of eth1 (student NIC on the server). This directory contains ‘d1.mbr’ and ‘d1p1.img’ files, much smaller than the original data size (the data only contains 0).
It is as if it couldn’t create the final image in /images.
I also tried to create a new directory structure for the student node under /images (/images/student and /images/student/dev) but with no more success.
The .mntcheck files are created, the /images tree is 777 and the content of /etc/exports is :
/images *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)
/images/dev *(rw,async,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=2)
(i originally had rw for /images but put ro following the wiki and then put rw back)
Reading https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Troubleshoot_FTP, I had the idea to change the IP address in the DefaultMember Storage Node (ie set studentIP@ instead of staffIP@) the image upload works like a charm.
Unfortunately, I don’t want to manually change this IP each time an upload/download is necessary.
About this page, the screenshot (https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=File:Storage_Management_Interface_Name.png) has a lot more fields than I can see on my FOG install.
Obviously my problem would come from FTP settings, but I can’t figure out which one(s).
Can you help me ?