@Tom-Elliott no problem, thank you for helping me ! We hope this will be useful to users reading this post.
I edited the line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
I restarted the capture, here is the error, directly when I boot on IPV4:
@Tom-Elliott no problem, thank you for helping me ! We hope this will be useful to users reading this post.
I edited the line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
I restarted the capture, here is the error, directly when I boot on IPV4:
So I launched a task to capture my image and it was in principle a success, here is the screen:
BUT… once the download is complete, this is the error I receive:
Here again, the “second task” remains stuck at 1%
My capture is still stuck in \images\dev with my computer’s macadress
I’m helpless (I’m in production at the moment)
@Tom-Elliott Here is…
I typed these commands:
apt-get -y install git -y
apt install wget
git clone https://github.com/fogproject/fogproject.git --branch=working-1.6
fog project cd
git pull
CD bin
./installfog.sh -y
I got this error when loading packages:
error: Installing package: php-mysql…………Failed! (Will try later)
The interface changes a little but I get the hang of it.
I’ll capture an image and get back to you
@Tom-Elliott I can’t find the installation of FOG working-1.6
@Tom-Elliott said in Mounting /images/dev on /images failed - permissions denied:
sudo chmod 777 -R /images/Nuc7i5BNKSDC-AC001-C000-win11
I moved it manually, gave rights etc. The problem continues
@Tom-Elliott at the point where I am, no problem starting over with a new installation.
Could you give me a link to install this version? that I am sure to do what you asked me
always same error when trying to deploy
my image is stored in image\dev with another name (mac address of the PC captured)
I’m reviving the topic, my problem is still not resolved (I am deploying on 180 computers this week)…
I captured an image this morning, my PC restarts as if the image had been captured successfully
I also see the size of the image in the management console:
But here’s the problem:
In active tasks, a second loading (I imagine moving from images\dev to \images) is blocked. This is the crux of my problem. Database problem? what to do ? Here is a screen
@george1421the correct server is, the bad one is
they are in the same network yes, only different Vlans but with the same rules
Hello everyone,
Here is my problem:
I work on two sites and I have 1 fog server on each site.
The first (which I made 1 year ago) and which works very well. No problems to report, I use it daily for IT management.
The second (on a second site) causes me a lot of problems. However, I copied the same procedure in detail. But it seems that certain things were not configured automatically (I had to correct problems related to TFTP in particular, + certain paths have changed)
So my problem: When I try to capture an image: I obviously create a “container” image to accommodate the image after my sysprep. I run the task and everything seems to work (the size of the image appears fine etc…)
Except that when I want to deploy my image to a PC, here is my error:
failed to restore and exited with exit code 1 (writeImage)
Info :
Args Passed : /images/***/d1p1.img /dev/nvme0n1p1
What does this mean exactly, my understanding is that either a disk is not found, or a missing authorization that allows the door to be opened for recording.
I’ve been “playing” with the permissions for 4 days by comparing the server that works to this one, but nothing works. I constantly get errors like this.
Here are images of my errors:
(/assets/uploads/files/1720699038237-fog2.png) ![fog3.png]
However, the image seems to be created… I think it remains temporarily in /images/dev and that it is not installed in /images with the correct name. Rights problem?
I find very little information on the subject. I’m starting to get tired… Thank you in advance for your help