Many Thanks Tom
Posts made by Eamon
RE: TFTP File not found 0.32 to 1.1.2
Just realized my mistake. We, for some reason, have options 66 and 67 set in both server options and scope options, i was changing server options, after changing the scope option 067 all works perfectly.
TFTP File not found 0.32 to 1.1.2
Hi all, yesterday i updated our for server from 0.32 to 1.1.2 and although the web interface works fine, i cannot pxe boot anymore. I made the changes in our (windows) dhcp for scope option 067 and changed it to undionly.kpxe but i get a:
PXE-T01: File not foundI also cannot seem to find the config.php file anymore, has that changed location?
Many Thanks, Eamon
RE: Working UL, Cannot DL Fujitsu
Yes, bios setting are correct. I just noticed something strange though, when i get a new E420 and boot into fog and check compatibility the hard drive passes, but if i register it and then check, it fails…
RE: Working UL, Cannot DL Fujitsu
Yea i’ve noticed partitions can be a pain, especially gpt tables from old win8 downgraded to win7 hard drives.
I completely wiped and re-partitioned one of them and made 2 images and uploaded them perfectly fine. One image with sysprep and one without, but i cant seem to bring either of the images back down again.
RE: Working UL, Cannot DL Fujitsu
i just tested a different one (we have 30 of them) and that does the same thing. bah.
RE: Working UL, Cannot DL Fujitsu
Hi Tom, i used the above commands and it accepted them without error this time but still errors and restarts after Check Hard Drives.
RE: Working UL, Cannot DL Fujitsu
When i use “ntfs-3g -o force,rw /dev/sda1 /ntfs” i get a message saying 'ntfs-3g-mount: failed to access mountpoint /ntfs: no such file or directory.
I used g-parted to create an ntfs partition, but i noticed g-pated see’s the drive as /dev/sda. When i use “ntfs-3g -o force,rw /dev/sda /ntfs” i get a message saying The device /dev/sda doesnt seem to have a valid NTFS, maybe wrong device is used?
Im using Fog version 0.32 and kernel is one of your i believe, originally called bzImageCORE (5.7mb) although i have tried a few other kernels too.
Many Thanks,
Working UL, Cannot DL Fujitsu
Hi all, i’ve been using Fog for quite a while but im now getting compatibility issues on a HDD for a Fujitsu E420.
I’ve managed to upload it fine, but when i deploy it gets as far as “Checking Hard Disks” and then it displays the attached screenshot.
I’ve tried various kernels, but they have all failed the compatibility check.
Any suggestions?
Many Thanks.[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/604_fog HDD error.jpg?:”]fog HDD error.jpg[/url]