I’ve had this FOG install since 1.2.0. Been using it for really basic stuff and never had a problem so I feel like a complete noob, please treat me like one.
We’ve been doing BIOS images until now and I’m switching to UEFI, vendor classes, and all the fun new stuff that comes with. I thought I had everything set up perfectly but it wouldn’t work. I hit the laptop with wireshark and found it’s looking for the surface pro 4 efi file (ipxe7156.efi). So I go hunting for it and and discover I don’t have it or any other efi files…turns out there are a lot of files not in my tftp directory that I should have for being on v1.5.9. Comparing to 1.4.4 I’m 1 directory and 10 files short. Current files seem to be updating but I’m not pulling any new files…maybe since 1.2.0?
Maybe I messed something up when I upgraded to trunk 4 or 5 years back, or I’m not pulling from Git correctly? Here’s how I’ve been upgrading:
cd /opt/fog
sudo git pull
cd bin
sudo ./installfog.sh
check git version:
cd /opt/fog
sudo git log -1
Huge thanks for everyone’s help!