We must be looking at different screens - Ah yes the task mgmt screen has the descriptions
Latest posts made by DoubleD
RE: Upload to Server or download to Server
RE: Upgrade to FOG 1.2.0 seems to have broken Apache2
[quote=“DoubleD, post: 35149, member: 24577”]I upgraded my FOG server from 1.1.x to 1.2.0 and my FOG server died too - luckily I found this thread
I did a sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
then I re-did the fog installation cd ~/fog_1.2.0/bin
Did the KEY thing [url]http://x.x.x.x/fog/management[/url] (pressed the button to install key)and now my FOG server is back up & running
I’m running on Ubuntu
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise64 Bit
(wonder why the install broke it)[/quote]
I’m using dnsmasq to make PXE work for FOG and it seems that the Fog update undid a symbolic link to undionly.kpxe casuing the PXE boot to fail
To fix that I did the following
cd /tftpboot
sudo ln -s undionly.kpxe undionly.0 -
RE: Upgrade to FOG 1.2.0 seems to have broken Apache2
[quote=“fre2709, post: 34072, member: 24947”]Sorry All,
forgot to mention my version of Ubuntu is 12.04LTS.
Having dug a little deeper, the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load file points to /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so" which isn’t there. The only file beginning with “l” is “libphp5filter.so”
As suggested on an Ubuntu server forum I tried: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
It installed a module (libphp5.so has appeared) uninstalled another (libphp5filter.so seems to have gone). Re-installed FOG 1.2.0 and hey presto “it works”. Updated the schema and I am back in and working.
Did I see on the download page that there is a SVN 2094 for FOG 1.2.0 already. What does that fix?[/quote]
I upgraded my FOG server from 1.1.x to 1.2.0 and my FOG server died too - luckily I found this thread
I did a sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
then I re-did the fog installation cd ~/fog_1.2.0/bin
Did the KEY thing [url]http://x.x.x.x/fog/management[/url] (pressed the button to install key)and now my FOG server is back up & running
I’m running on Ubuntu
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise64 Bit
(wonder why the install broke it)
Can Clonezilla Images be imported into FOG
I’m toying with a FOG server and I was wondering if I can import my Clonezilla Images to it
If yes how would I go about that
RE: Upload to Server or download to Server
[quote=“Jaymes Driver, post: 33744, member: 3582”]I understand what it is you are asking, you want descriptive tooltips :)[/quote]
Its the age old question am I uploading the image to the server or an I uploading to the target ? Depending on what side of the fence you standing on both are correct but they have totally different meanings
RE: What is typical Upload time
[quote=“Jaymes Driver, post: 33743, member: 3582”]This is pretty typical. [/quote]
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 33739, member: 18”]Depends on the speed of your client machine [/quote]Thanks for the reply it helped!
Last time I did this it took over 16 hours. I must have down something wrong so I rebuilt the server with the new version of FOG and it seems OK. Now test downloading and maybe get a handle on what snap ins offer -
What is typical Upload time
I have the FOG Server and a AMD Dell on the same switch (100 mb) and I’m doing an upload
So far its taken 43 minutes with an estimate of 50 minutes to create the image on the server
is this typical ?
Upload to Server or download to Server
This may be petty but …
So depending on what side of the fence you are on it can be an upload or a download. It be helpful if when you hover the mouse over the upload or download icon fog would tel which way its sending data
Upload (Get Image from PC and store on Server)
Download (Load image from server to PC, replacing PC contents)
or something like that so newbies my have a clue -
RE: Ubuntu Server or Cleint
I had FOG running on Ubuntu it was very slooow 12-16 hours to take an image
I made a couple of changes and everything started to fail
Attempting to do a virus load failed
doing a memory test Failed
doin another image failed …So I figured let me start over - I am using dnsmasq to do the PXE boot
Will attempt using the following steps (using the latest version of fog)
sudo -i
- Get the tar file
wget did not for so I downloaded the current version to FTP server
logon to fog server
sudo -i
ftp to ftpServer
get fog_1.1.0.tar.gz
exit- Extract the tar file
tar -xvzf fog_1.1.0.tar.gz
cd fog_1.1.0/bin3.Start the Install
The following commands are for the installfog.sh installer information. Change the relevant values for your particular system.Type 2 and press Enter for Ubuntu installation.
Type N and press Enter for Normal installation
Supply IP Address, it SHOULD be the static IP address you set up earlier, if it is not please revert to step 5 and try again.
Type N and press Enter setup a router address for the DHCP Server.
Type N and press Enter to set up DNS.
Type N and press Enter to leave the default Network Card the same.
Type N to use FOG for DHCP Service.
Type N to not install Additional Languages.
Type N to donate and press Enter.- Do the install
Type Y to continue
Next it will begin the installPress ENTER to acknowledge the MySQl server message
NOTE: I set up MySQL with default passwords for MYSQL
Answer N when asked if I left the MySQL password Blank
Enter the password you used for MySQL and press enter
Enter the Password again and press enter.- Do the Database Schema Installer
Now we need to set up the web GUI for FOG. You will be preseted with a URL [url]http://(serveripaddress)/fog/management[/url].
Copy and past that into your browser and the click on the Install/Upgrade Now button
Press [Enter] key when database is updated/installed.
Type N to send your install information to the Project, and it will take some time to complete.- Script done, Install logged to file is /var/log/foginstall.log
apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
How ProxyDHCP works- When a PXE client boots up, it sends a DHCP Discover broadcast on the network, which includes a list of information the client would like from the DHCP server, and some information identifying itself as a PXE capable device.
- A regular DHCP server responds with a DHCP Offer, which contains possible values for network settings requested by the client.Usually a possible IP address, subnet mask, router (gateway) address, dns domain name, etc.
- Because the client identified itself as a PXEClient, the proxyDHCP server also responds with a DHCP Offer with additional information, but not IP address info. It leaves the IP address assigning to the regular DHCP server. The proxyDHCP server provides the next-server-name and boot file name values, which is used by the client during the upcoming TFTP transaction.
- The PXE Client responds to the DHCP Offer with a DHCP Request, where it officially requests the IP configuration information from the regular DHCP server.
- The regular DHCP server responds back with an ACK (acknowledgement), letting the client know it can use the IP configuration information it requested.
- The client now has its IP configuration information, TFTP Server name, and boot file name and it initiate a TFTP transaction to download the boot file.
Tested working with:
OS Version FOG Version
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64 Fog 0.29
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x32,x64 Fog 0.32, Fog 1.0.1, Fog 1.1.0
Ubuntu 11.04 x32, x64 Fog 0.32, Fog 1.0.1, Fog 1.1.0
Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 LTS x32, x64 Fog 0.32, Fog 1.0.1, Fog 1.1.0
Ubuntu 13.04, 13.10 x32, x64 Fog 0.32, Fog 1.0.1, Fog 1.1.0
LTSP Server, further documentation at Ubuntu LTSP/ProxyDHCP.Edit /etc/exports to look like this:
vi /etc/exports
/images *(ro,async,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure)
/images/dev *(rw,async,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure)apt-get install dnsmasq
vi /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp.conf
add the following
Sample configuration for dnsmasq to function as a proxyDHCP server,
enabling LTSP clients to boot when an external, unmodifiable DHCP
server is present.
The main dnsmasq configuration is in /etc/dnsmasq.conf;
the contents of this script are added to the main configuration.
You may modify the file to suit your needs.
Don’t function as a DNS server:
Log lots of extra information about DHCP transactions.
Dnsmasq can also function as a TFTP server. You may uninstall
tftpd-hpa if you like, and uncomment the next line:
Set the root directory for files available via FTP.
The boot filename.
dhcp-boot=undionly.kpxe, option, for NFS
kill multicast
Disable re-use of the DHCP servername and filename fields as extra
option space. That’s to avoid confusing some old or broken DHCP clients.
PXE menu. The first part is the text displayed to the user. The second is the timeout, in seconds.
pxe-prompt=“Press F8 for boot menu”, 10
The known types are x86PC, PC98, IA64_EFI, Alpha, Arc_x86,
Intel_Lean_Client, IA32_EFI, BC_EFI, Xscale_EFI and X86-64_EFI
This option is first and will be the default if there is no input from the user.
#pxe-service=X86PC, “Boot from network”, pxelinux
pxe-service=X86PC, “Boot from network”, undionlyA boot service type of 0 is special, and will abort the
net boot procedure and continue booting from local media.
pxe-service=X86PC, “Boot from local hard disk”, 0
If an integer boot service type, rather than a basename is given, then the
PXE client will search for a suitable boot service for that type on the
network. This search may be done by multicast or broadcast, or direct to a
server if its IP address is provided.
pxe-service=x86PC, “Install windows from RIS server”, 1
This range(s) is for the public interface, where dnsmasq functions
as a proxy DHCP server providing boot information but no IP leases.
Any ip in the subnet will do, so you may just put your server NIC ip here.
Since dnsmasq is not providing true DHCP services, you do not want it
handing out IP addresses. Just put your servers IP address for the interface
that is connected to the network on which the FOG clients exist.
If this setting is incorrect, the dnsmasq may not start, rendering
your proxyDHCP ineffective.
dhcp-range=,proxy, range(s) is for the private network on 2-NIC servers,
where dnsmasq functions as a normal DHCP server, providing IP leases.
For static client IPs, and only for the private subnets,
you may put entries like this:
restart your dnsmasq service
sudo service dnsmasq restartMake a symlink for the undionly.kpxe file so dnsmasq can find it.
cd /tftpboot
sudo ln -s undionly.kpxe undionly.0