I’m new to the list and I use FOG for 4 years. I am now an administrator who wants to use the FOG with high availability. I have the following architecture:
Debian8 - FOG 1.2 on 3 machines.
• 3 different geographical zones (ZoneA, ZoneB, ZoneC)
• 1 master node fog in ZoneA
• 1 mist storage node in ZonaB (StorageNode-01)
• 1 mist storage node in ZonaC (StorageNode-02)
I have a problem with the display in the “Dashboard”.
I searched the forum and found no answer.
Looking at the code I found a small error in the file “/var/www/fog/status/freespace.php”
But I can not seem to display the graph because the page: goes to page freespace.php? idnew = 6 ( being StorageNode-01) and wants to access the database is not accessible http://!
Can you tell me what to do?
Good luck been using FOG for about 4 years love it every day.