I understand. I thought that with 2 network cards it would be possible to do this.

What I tried was to do the following and change the default.ipx file with the following line:

chain || chain || goto bootme

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-06 at 09.34.02.jpeg
And I managed to boot on the other network. This way, it is possible to boot from the 2 network cards in different VLANs.

The problem is that, as @george1421 said, Fog doesn’t provide this type of support. (I believe that if the developers created an ID to identify the network and separated the files it would be possible to do this configuration, but I don’t know the feasibility of that.)

As @baovipboy156 suggested, I’ll try to do a forward port to the fogserver in pfSense, and let you know if it works.

Thanks for the help guys.