Thanks for the reply chad-bisd, i’ve already writtent a script that parse my nmap scan to get unique MAC address, so, will use the csv import option (i have a 1600 computers park, so register by hand seems quite unrealistic…)
Posts made by Daëavelwyn
RE: Manage duplicates option
Manage duplicates option
is there any mechanism permiting to avoid duplicates MAC host in FOG ? -
RE: LSASS erros afer Imaging
hmmm, i will give a try to your proposition as soon as possible. Thanks for the trick christopher
RE: LSASS erros afer Imaging
arf, i’ve done the same as you (new kernel 3.8.6) but still have the lsass.exe error
RE: Snow screen with HP Elitebook 8460p
another trick, if it can helps : [url][/url]
RE: LSASS erros afer Imaging
I’ve exactly the same issue, have you found any fix or workaround for this ? -
RE: Having a next user level besides mobile user
Dude man, you just save me so much time ! Really thanks for the code and for your comments about, it really, really helps me
RE: Having a next user level besides mobile user
@Fernando Gietz
Hi, i’m using fog 0.32 and want to use such a feature, could you please post your modified files to do this ? -
RE: WOL not working in FOG
I’m back !
Ok, so, here are the modifiations i’ve done to correctly use WoL with FOG 0.32So, first of all, I will not use native FOG mechanism (fog/lib/WakeOnLan.class.php), because it doesn’t seem to work and I don’t know why ! I use etherwake instead.
First of all,install etherwake
[CODE]sudo aptitude install etherwake[/CODE]
After installing, to use etherwake with a non root user, you have (on ubuntu) to change www-data user right.
Become root :
[CODE]sudo su[/CODE]
then use the native editor for sudo to change right :
In the file launched, add this :[CODE]User_Alias APACHE = www-data
Cmnd_Alias FOG = /usr/sbin/etherwake, /usr/bin/nmapAPACHE ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: FOG[/CODE]
Then go to edit your /etc/group file to add www-data to sudo group :
[CODE]sudo vim /etc/group[/CODE]
and add www-data to the sudo group
Now you just have to modify your wol.php file.
Be safe and make a backup of the original file:
sudo cp wol.php wol.php.origin
[/CODE]Here is the whole code of my wol.php :
function __autoload($class_name)
require( “…/lib/fog/” . $class_name . ‘.class.php’);
$mac = new MACAddress($_GET[“wakeonlan”]);
if ( $mac != null && $mac->isValid( ) )
#$wol = new WakeOnLan($mac->getMACWithColon());
#$wol->send();echo "MAC Address : ".$mac."<br/>"; system("sudo /usr/sbin/etherwake ".$mac);
?>[/PHP]As you can notice, i’ve kept the function __autoload but not use the called class. Then I’ve just commented class call and add etherwake call.
I’ve already read argument about the fact I let non root user having privileges and I know this workaround could be better coded (with a real error return code for example) but this is just an example which can avoid somewho to lost as many time as i’ve done !
I hope wol function will be improved in the FOG futur release !
EDIT : I’ve also tested with grouped computer and it works like a charm
RE: WOL not working in FOG
Hi gilou and ahachenberg, thanks for your reply, i will try this as soon as possible (probably next tuesday) and let you know if it works for me !
RE: WOL not working in FOG
Hi, i’ve the same problem with almost the same configuration. Server is a DELL PowerEdge 860 with ubuntu server 12.04 and client is a DELL optiplex 740 with windows XP.
I succeed in starting the client with the etherwake MAC-ADDRESS from the serveur, but I can’t make the wol functions from FOG webui do the same job.I have to add the client computer must be well shutdown with the windows shutdown menu, otherwise, etherwake doesn’t work.
Any suggestions ?