Running a multicast in debug mode:
Timeout notAnswered=[0,1] notReady=[0,1] nrAns=0 nrRead=0 nrPart=2 avg=30079 bytes= 39 033 904 re-xmits=0000000 (0.0%) slice=1024 73 709 551 615 - 0
But both clients running with ~60MB/min
Running a multicast in debug mode:
Timeout notAnswered=[0,1] notReady=[0,1] nrAns=0 nrRead=0 nrPart=2 avg=30079 bytes= 39 033 904 re-xmits=0000000 (0.0%) slice=1024 73 709 551 615 - 0
But both clients running with ~60MB/min
Thank you astrouga! I downloaded the new Kernel, but multicast is still very slow. max 70/MB per Minute in a Gbit network. Unicast runs well. Trying other Kernels dont fix the problem…
Any idea why only multicast connection is slow and unicast runs well?
Dell Optiplex 790
Tested Kernels: 3.4, 3.3, 2.6
Gbit Switch
same VLAN
Fog 0.32 Syslinux FIX in a Virtual Box.
I have the same Problem on Intels 82579LM, speed slows down to 60MB/min by using multicast. Can someone please upload the Kernel 3.4 again? All links are down.