The problem is solved, @ch3i support me via TeamViewer, the problem was on Synology configuration.
Thank you for your support! Images Upload and move to /images folder correctly!!
The problem is solved, @ch3i support me via TeamViewer, the problem was on Synology configuration.
Thank you for your support! Images Upload and move to /images folder correctly!!
The problem is solved, @ch3i support me via TeamViewer, the problem was on Synology configuration.
Thank you for your support! Images Upload and move to /images folder correctly!!
I’m install Fog Project on VM with Ubuntu Server 14 and version 1.2. I want to add Synology NAS as a Storage Node without installing Storage role.
I have a loy of issues (Unable to Mount, Failed to Mount, Permission denied…). I read that Synology mark NFS path to /volumeX/images and FTP path is only /images. I think that is the problem.
I’m upgrade to trunk version to add FTP path and image path, but the error persist.
Which is the procedure? Add new images path to /etc/exports? Add persistent NFS path on /etc/fstab or only add a Storage Node on Fog Management to IP NAS?
Thank you,