Ok, For whatever reason we lost power this last weekend. Unsure why I would have an issue being on backup batteries, but showed up to a fog server in a sad state. No menu via web GUI, no menu booting to it over network.
No big deal I figured, been wanting to upgrade anyway. So I rsynced images to a local drive on my windows box. Just blew the VM away, and figured I would just upload the images to the new server.
I’m running Ubuntu Server 16.04.5 Server X64. Installed Fog V 1.5.4, again without issue.
I mounted my Windows share and rsynced the images back into the image folder after uploading a image manually. Went home for the night as I have 1.8Tb in images.
If it matters the server is a Dell R900 X4 hex core Xeon Processors, 32Gb memory running vSphere 6.5.
Fog runs on a Dell DAS 1000 with 10 X 3Tb SATA drives in a RAID10. 2 Lun’s with 1 HS drive each.
I didn’t change Anything on ESXi, or the drives RAID. Just simply backed up the images, blew the install away and started over.
Now I see rsync had finished, and Fog Dashboard shows space used, however I can’t see the images when I boot to deploy.
I tried creating new image, gave it the same name as the one in images… However it says no file or directory found when I try to deploy. Mind you I can only see the one image I manually added after the fact manually. I did not actually upload it.
I’m trying to get it to see the images in the folder, and figured I didn’t bring the database and that screwed me ?
So now that I see a Export / Import images ( I didn’t see this before ) I figure there is other magic I need to perform to get Fog to notice and use the images I uploaded manually?
Any help would be great ! Thanks in advance !