Hello together,
because Multicast still doesn’t work within our infrastructure, tested:
I’ve now installed a fog server 1.2.0 on Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS and 4 storage nodes for improving the unicast speed. In addition to running the installscript - because of some errors - I’ve done the following steps:
- chown -R fog /images -> on the fog server, because before Images couldn’t be moved from /images/dev to /images/ and upload tasks didn’t complete (seems to be done by local fog user)
- removed the sql bind address in /etc/mysql/my.cnf --> before no connection could be established by the storage nodes
- chown -R fog /images -> on the storage nodes, because the graph on the dashboard couldn’t get any information from the storage nodes
- sudo service restart FOGImageReplicator restart --> Before he wasn’t running and Images were not be synced
Now, the Image was successfully synchronised to the 4 storage nodes and the log seems to be ok:
[03-17-15 12:32:21 pm] * SubProcess ->
[03-17-15 12:32:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Complete
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Starting Image Replication.
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * We are group ID: #1
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * We have node ID: #1
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Found: 4 other member(s).
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm]
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * My root: /images
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Starting Sync.
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Syncing: fognode1
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `20142015WS001’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `postdownloadscripts’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess ->
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Complete
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Syncing: fognode2
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `20142015WS001’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `postdownloadscripts’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess ->
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Complete
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Syncing: fognode3
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `20142015WS001’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `postdownloadscripts’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess ->
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Complete
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * Syncing: fognode4
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `20142015WS001’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `postdownloadscripts’
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess ->
[03-17-15 12:42:21 pm] * SubProcess -> Complete
Unfortunately, the unicast speed were not improved as expected. After the first slow deployment, I decided to streamline the passwords of the local fog user on all servers and inserted them in storage management section of the web GUI as mentioned in the forum.
But the next deployment of the 64 pcs wasn’t as fast as expected. The image has got a server size of about 34 GB. I also wondered why the CPU usage of fognode1 and fognode2 was at 0% whereas it was at 20%-30% for the fog server. So I took at the RX rates:
fog - eth0 RX 2.97 TiB - max clients 12
fognode1 - eth0 RX 9.73 GiB - max clients 12
fognode2 - eth0 RX 31.46 MiB - max clients 12
fognode3 - eth0 RX 66.94 GiB - max clients 14
fognode4 - eth0 RX 2.97 TiB - max clients 14
It seems that fognode1 and fognode2 never were used for deployment. fognode3 also doesn’t have the workload of 14 expected clients. Because I didn’t found any helpful further information inside the wiki, I’d like to know:
- Why are the nodes 1-3 not beeing used? What are the requirements (running services, file permissions, etc.)?
- Are there any troubleshooting possibilities?
- Which user is used to access the images?
- How is the workload distributed to the nodes?
- Is the Ubuntu documentation in the wiki still valid for the latest staple version 1.2.0/valid for Ubuntu server? I doubt because of my mentioned additional steps above and the out-dated udpcast-step according to version 0.32
Thanks for any additional information!
Kind regards