Did this happen after the update? If so, is there a way you can delete your image from the image management portion and the image file in /images, then try and create a new one and associate whatever machine you are using to upload that new image ID? You can also (once the the old one is deleted) change the sql to reflect the new image with the old number:
user@machine:~$ mysql -u root
mysql>use fog;
mysql>select imageid, imagename from images;
| imageID | imageName |
| 8 | StudentSpare-HL91 |
| 4 | BSELAB |
| 11 | MS16372Teacher2 |
| 10 | MS163KTeacher2 |
You want to change this to be:
| imageID | imageName |
| 1 | StudentSpare-HL91 |
| 2 | BSELAB |
| 3 | MS16372Teacher2 |
| 4 | MS163KTeacher2 |
You’ll execute the following lines at the mysql> prompt.
mysql>update images set imageID=1 where imageID=8 limit 1;
mysql>update images set imageID=2 where imageID=4 limit 1;
mysql>update images set imageID=3 where imageID=11 limit 1;
mysql>update images set imageID=4 where imageID=10 limit 1;
This changes the imageID value for each image definition. You can reorder them however you want, just adjust the imageID values in each statement. the “limit 1” on the end of each statement makes sure you change just 1 record, because logically there can be only 1.
What this has done is broken the link between the host records and the image records. At this point, the hosts no longer have a valid image associated with them, because they know the image by it’s previous ID, which is no longer valid.
Now you have to update the hosts table so that any hosts which used the old image ID, now uses it’s new image ID.
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=1 where hostImage=8;
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=2 where hostImage=4;
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=3 where hostImage=11;
mysql>update hosts set hostImage=4 where hostImage=10;