Yes one time enough !
“/dev/sdb” works !
But it’s a little dangerous:
- we create a partition image for “/dev/sdb2” by example,
- we select a host and restore this image WITHOUT put anything on “Host Primary Disk”.
Then we’ll restore on the first disk ! And destroy /dev/sda !
That’s right ? Isn’t it ?
So, we’ll try to create 2 hosts (for the same PC):
- one host named “pc-01-HD1” (hard disk number one)(with nothing on “Host Primary Disk”)
- a second named 'pc-01-HD2" (hard disk number two)(with “/dev/hdb” on “Host Primary Disk”.
But FOG refuse: they have the same MAC address…
It’s not an important problem. We have to be carefull next time we’ll restore partition on seconde HDD.
Thanks for all. Really !!!
Thank you Fog !
Best regards.