FINALLY!! I figured out the problem. It would always fail the PXE boot in legacy and for some reason I used EFI PXE boot and it now works on this laptop.
Posts made by blong10
RE: No configuration methods succeeded
RE: No configuration methods succeeded
Update I used a dummy switch i had laying around it’s basically a 10/100 switch that is unmanaged. I have inserted that between my building switch and the PXE computer as mentioned by george. it still doesn’t let me PXE boot on this laptop. Here are my default PXE settings on the laptop. Is the FOG IP I setup during install.
RE: No configuration methods succeeded
Just a quick update i took this laptop to another location that has FOG and it did the same exact thing. All other computers worked at this location except mine. I believe this to be a hardware issue with my laptop I found a way to edit the config on the PXE but have had no success no far.
RE: No configuration methods succeeded
@Quazz I’m using FOG as a dhcp server how would I go about changing that setting.
No configuration methods succeeded
Hello everyone I’n new to the fog ans setting everything up so here goes.
I originally posted thins under windows issue but now that I think of it it’s not really a winodws issue but a fog one.My fog setup is a computer running a VM with 4gb of ram. I have setup fog successfully and have used it on two computers so far without issue. except this one it’s a Lenovo G50-70 laptop the error message it is giving me is No configuration methods succeeded and then it says at the end DHCP failed hit ‘S’ for the iPXE shell: Reboot in 10 secounds.
I looked in the BIOS and it looks to be setup correctly with legacy PXE boot. I’m at a loss
No configuration methods succeeded
Hello everyone I’n new to the fog ans setting everything up so here goes.
My fog setup is a computer running a VM with 4gb of ram. I have setup fog successfully and have used it on two computers so far without issue. except this one it’s a Lenovo G50-70 laptop the error message it is giving me is No configuration methods succeeded and then it says at the end DHCP failed hit ‘S’ for the iPXE shell: Reboot in 10 secounds.
I looked in the BIOS and it looks to be setup correctly with legacy PXE boot. I’m at a loss
RE: Weird cloning issue with slow capture speed
@george1421 Ok thnak you for this. Just to clarify the hard drive light that goes on and off is not on the client machines that i capture the image from. I’ll try to do a deployment tomorrow of the image and see how it goes. I also forgot to mention I have 4gb of DDR3 running on the Fog Computer. And I’m running VM ware in the background for fog. Right now my memory usage is around 78-80% and My Fog VM was 2gb that I gave it . Do you think would play a role in it not having enough RAM.
RE: Weird cloning issue with slow capture speed
So just a quick update. I found a 1gagibit adapter for my desktop and it is giving me 1gbps in network management tab. The clone seems much better now when capturing my network usage is no longer 100%. HOWEVER I’m having the same issue where the Hard drive light goes on and off constantly. it goes faster when it kicks in.Right know I’m capturing a 250SSD and it’s going to take around 1hr at 2.76GB/min. Is this normal. And can someone explain the Hard drive going on and off is there a way to make it stay consistently on becuase it seems like that woud speed it up a lot Thanks guys!!
Weird cloning issue with slow capture speed
So please bare with me as this is all new to me. I recently setup a Fog computer in my house so I can make images of all of computers in our house and so on. My setup is a followed as the fog server.
i5 650
4gb of Ram
1TB Image drive
Running the latest FOG
60 megabit internet connection
This is a older machine so it only has a 100mbps network card.The issue I’m having is that when I go to capture a image it starts out very fast around 6-7gb a minute and I notice the hard drive light is actually doing something on the client machine. Then after a minute or so the hard drive light goes completely out and then the speed of the capture goes as low as 500mb a minute and then once the Hard drive light indicates it doing something the speeds starts going up a lot. It goes on like this until it completes the capture.
This happens on all machines with a hard drive and SSD.
My settings of the image are as followed.

I just saw this issue it seems related when I go to task Manager on the fog server the network is at 100% this is when the Hard Drive light goes off then when the network goes down to 0% or 50% the hard drive light comes back on. Can someone tell me whats going on is it because i’m on 100mbps network card.