[quote=“afmrick, post: 4316, member: 417”]We got it to work manually across or WAN by adding the following flag to [B]udp-sender[/B] command (above):
[code]–mcast-data-address 239.blah.blah.blah[/code]
The default [B]232[/B].blah.blah.blah is reserved/special apparently. Here’s a link that sort of breaks that down:
To fix it in FOG, I add that command line parameter to every [B]udp-sender[/B] command in [B]/opt/fog/service/common/lib/MulticastTask.class.php[/B] and restarted all the FOG services. Everything works just the way it should have now. However, adding this parameter to every udp-sender command in the file is just a “make-it-go” hack that I’ll have to clean up next week. This should really be an option to set within FOG. …Still, Yahoo!!!
Note: [B]blah.blah.blah[/B] is the last 3 octets of the FOG server’s IP address.[/quote]
Just started to read your thread and was going to suggest you look at CISCO devices with multi-cast issues.