Seems like the “FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK” setting in .32 is not set correctly. It is set to 1 by default, and according to the information, that should mean that chkdsk will not run. However the behavior is opposite, at least in some limited testing. When you run a Quick Image, and this value is set to 1, chkdsk runs. Chkdsk does not run if you change the value to 0.
There are several short-hand php if-then logic statements in /var/www/fog/management/includes/tasks.confirm.include.php that deal with this.
[CODE]$other .= (" chkdsk=" . ($core->getGlobalSetting(“FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK”) == “1” ? ‘0’ : ‘1’));[/CODE]
And I noticed it in the fog script when I was looking at the init image file:
[CODE]if [ “$chkdsk” == “0” ]