That’s pretty slick… fog service updated itself before I could even get into the host that had it installed!
Best posts made by Arsenal101
RE: Updating Client
RE: Where are the logs!?!?!
Good News,
It looks like clearing out the WinPE section of the answer file allowed it to pass! I just have to figure out the copy profile thing and the autologin, It auto logged in once but that was it. as well as leaving the defaultprofile0 on the machine… but I think i can get that.
RE: Booting From SAN device 0x80 issue
You may be able to change the iPXE boot menu exit mode to “exit” or I have had luck changing it to “grub” too
RE: Surface Pro 4 Quarrels
Thanks @george1421 Thats exactly what I expected. I am using VMware Workstation on my Local PC just to keep the images an snapshots and whatnot off from the Datastores.
I was using Workstation10 but it does not support EFI at all so I am upgrading to Workstation 12.5 as I speakI will rebuild my image with EFI and GPT Partition tables and we will be good to go for those devices that are EFI only, or even the ones that come EFI but support BIOS, we wont have to downgrade them to BIOS just to image.
RE: Surface Pro 4 Quarrels
Just Kidding :))))) I just added the other architectures under the helpful little NOTE: and it works just great! I Skim too much and don’t read enough. You guys are great.