I have used and setup FOG several times before. I have finally convinced my school district to use FOG district wide. I have setup am machine with Ubuntu with 12.04 server and ran updates. I installed FOG 0.32 and went about uploading my images. That is when I ran into a problem.
When the image is done the machine loads windows for the first time. In the past the computer would reboot twice, once for the hostname change and once for the Domain, and this always occurred almost immediately. Unfortunately now the host name change is happening between 20 minutes and an hour later. The AD add is hit or miss, some do and some don’t. This is happening across several makes and model computers. I keep seeing the same thing in the log files regarding the individual services timing out while contacting the Fog Server.
[CODE] 8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : TaskReboot.dll
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater No update found on server for TaskReboot.dll
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : UserCleanup.dll
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater No update found on server for UserCleanup.dll
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : UserTracker.dll
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater No update found on server for UserTracker.dll
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : config.ini
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater No update found on server for config.ini
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Zero byte response returned
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater 0 new modules found!
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Client update will be applied during next service startup.
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Client update process complete, exiting…
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::DirCleaner Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 3:57 PM FOG::DirCleaner Module is disabled globally on the FOG Server.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM Service Stop requested
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::DirCleaner Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::DisplayManager Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::GreenFog Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::GUIWatcher Stopping…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostRegister Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::MODDebug Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager Shuting down
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::SnapinClient Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::TaskReboot Stopping…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserCleanup Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserTracker Shutdown complete
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG Service Engine Version: 3
8/6/2012 4:01 PM Starting all sub processes
8/6/2012 4:01 PM 14 modules loaded
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.AutoLogOut
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.SnapinClient
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Starting process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Sleeping for 195 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.DirCleaner
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.DisplayManager
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::DirCleaner Sleeping for 49 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::DisplayManager Starting display manager process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.GreenFog
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::GreenFog Sleeping for 36 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.GUIWatcher
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::GUIWatcher Starting GUI Watcher…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.HostNameChanger
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.HostRegister
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostRegister Starting host registration process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.MODDebug
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Starting hostname change process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Yielding to other subservices for 4 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::MODDebug Start Called
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::MODDebug Sleeping for 100 Seconds
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.PrinterManager
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.SnapinClient
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager Starting interprocess communication process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.TaskReboot
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::TaskReboot Taskreboot in lazy mode.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::TaskReboot Starting Task Reboot…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::SnapinClient Starting snapin client process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager interprocess comm startup: OK
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.UserCleanup
8/6/2012 4:01 PM * Starting FOG.UserTracker
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserTracker Starting user tracking process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserCleanup Sleeping for 11 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::DisplayManager Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostRegister Exiting because only 1 mac address was found.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::SnapinClient Sleeping for 398 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserTracker Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserCleanup Starting user cleanup process…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::UserCleanup Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager Module is active…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager Starting printer manager…
8/6/2012 4:01 PM FOG::PrinterManager Yielding to other services for 32 seconds.
8/6/2012 4:02 PM FOG::GreenFog Starting green fog…
8/6/2012 4:02 PM FOG::GreenFog Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:02 PM FOG::DirCleaner Starting directory cleaning process…
8/6/2012 4:02 PM FOG::DirCleaner Attempting to connect to fog server…
8/6/2012 4:02 PM FOG::UserTracker Module is active…
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Reading config settings…
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Reading of config settings passed.
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Starting Core processing…
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Operating System ID: 5
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Operating System Minor: 1
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug MAC ID 0 00:11:11:5D:8B:03
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug MAC POST String: 00:11:11:5D:8B:03
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug A user is currently logged in
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Username: MPC-345-Master\Administrator
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Hostname: MPC-345-Master
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::MODDebug Attempting to open connect to:
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Failed to connect to fog server!
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::AutoLogOut The operation has timed out
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::AutoLogOut at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
at FOG.AutoLogOut.doWork()
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Sleeping for 1 minute.
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::DisplayManager Failed to connect to fog server!
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::DisplayManager The operation has timed out
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::DisplayManager at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
at FOG.DisplayManager.doWork()
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::DisplayManager Sleeping for 1 minute.
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Failed to connect to fog server!
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::HostnameChanger The operation has timed out
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::HostnameChanger at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
at FOG.HostNameChanger.changeHostName()
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Sleeping for 1 minute.
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::UserCleanup Failed to connect to fog server!
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::UserCleanup The operation has timed out
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::UserCleanup at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
at FOG.UserCleanup.doWork()
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::UserCleanup Sleeping for 1 minute.
8/6/2012 4:03 PM FOG::GreenFog Module is disabled globally on the FOG Server, exiting.
The only entry in the event viewer points to the DHCP not completing successfully. Event ID 1003.
I have almost 500 machines to image and only 2 weeks until classes start. I am royal in trouble if I can’t figure this out. I have thought about reverting to .28 or .29, but I demoed version .32 at one of the schools in the district not more than 3 months ago working fine. Only difference was the AD was 2008 there instead of 2003 at the district office.