Finally worked, but I had to cp the image from /images/dev/MAC_ADDRESS…
I’m kind a noob in linux, so with you can send a step-by-step to fix this problem I will appreciated…
Thanks and sorry for any trouble from my part.
Finally worked, but I had to cp the image from /images/dev/MAC_ADDRESS…
I’m kind a noob in linux, so with you can send a step-by-step to fix this problem I will appreciated…
Thanks and sorry for any trouble from my part.
Now I tried to upload a image to /images/sict…the name of image is sict
So, I change every user in fog to ‘fog’ and put the same password…I did this in web app and /var/www/fog/lib/Config.class.php (Iguess)
Right now I create a sict diretory and moving the images from /images/dev/MAC_ADDRESS to /images/sict
Hope work…
FOG version: 1.2.0
[quote=“Alexander Fiabane, post: 35058, member: 25509”]Hello Tom Elliot,
Sorry about my ignorance. Can you paste the link please?
I saw in /images/dev/mac_address, that uploaded image is there, but i don’t know why doesn’t convert to /images/image_name… Any glue?
PS.: I did put in all users (mysql, server root|fog, fog web, storage, tftp) the same password.
except the [COLOR=#555555][FONT=Ubuntu]FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER, [/FONT][COLOR=#000000]and keep the same user ‘fogstorage’[/COLOR][/COLOR][/quote]
Here the syslog when update task was finished:
[QUOTE]Aug 8 16:39:01 fogserver CRON[1365]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))
Aug 8 16:41:54 fogserver kernel: [25380.107153] type=1326 audit(1407526914.657:41): auid=4294967295 uid=65534 gid=65534 ses=4294967295 pid=1479 comm=“vsftpd” sig=31 syscall=96 compat=0 ip=0x7fff09b2cdff code=0x0
Aug 8 16:42:24 fogserver in.tftpd[1499]: tftp: client does not accept options[/QUOTE]
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 35050, member: 7271”]The issues reported here have already been fixed in SVN.
You don’t need to update unless you want it working for you.[/quote]
Hello Tom Elliot,
Sorry about my ignorance. Can you paste the link please?
I saw in /images/dev/mac_address, that uploaded image is there, but i don’t know why doesn’t convert to /images/image_name… Any glue?
PS.: I did put in all users (mysql, server root|fog, fog web, storage, tftp) the same password.
except the [COLOR=#555555][FONT=Ubuntu]FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER, [/FONT][COLOR=#000000]and keep the same user ‘fogstorage’[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Another image from the images/[ATTACH=full]1272[/ATTACH]
I put the same password in each fog user, but i don’t know why the image don’t go to the server =/
Sorry to open this post again, but I’m kind noob on network…so id you have any solution, please, tell step by step what I should do.
First congratulation to FOG team for FOG project.
I did read this post and follow the steps, but I’m stiil have the same problem: no sized image ON SERVER =/
Here some images: