When I try to move storage location to a separate external drive (connected via USB) in
Linux 12.4, the drive I’ve chosen for images is displayed as /media/98…AA08.
I’ve created a folder there /media/98…AA08/images/fog , where I intend to store images.
So, I added a path /media/98…AA08/images/fog and /media/98…AA08/images/fog/dev to
as it is described in the appropriate article [url]http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Change_NFS_location[/url]
Everything is done by the book. When I register a host and click “upload an image” the process starts, the first
partition of windwows 7 seems to be copied fine, but after a couple of seconds of copying of the second partition the message is displayed - write error, unable to move /media/98…AA08/images/fog/dev/5c…6d to media/98…AA08/images/fog/Win7.64.PRO.
Do I need to change mounting point of that external drive in fstab on something like /mnt/usb?
And I’ve found another article - [url]http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Adding_Storage_to_a_FOG_Server[/url]
Which one should follow?
I am no very technical person, so “gentles, do not reprehend, if you pardon, we will mend”.