I am getting ipxe screens (but had to tweek spanning-tree even for that) becuase iPXE was not waiting long enough for the DHCP request to come through (ipxe waits 15 seconds…with full spanning-tree, it takes from 13-20 seconds to respond). We enabled fast learning for spanning-tree and it now responds in about 9-12 seconds which makes iPXE happy. But once it boots the kernel and starts (for a task or a registration), it does the above with the discover statements and then gives up. We timed it and it is only giving that process 10 sec max and then gives up and the task just hangs with a blinking cursor which slowly moves everything off the screen.
I am the network person on our campus so i can test but we cannot turn off spanning tree (nor would be want…it keeps people from incorrectly connecting network cables and taking down the entire network). I tried turning if straight off for a test and it was happy and all worked. That last “Sending Discover” process however just will not give the network enough time to “turn on”.
Any enterprise type network would have this issue and i can’t see me being the only one here
On .32 though, the PXE part would wait as long as needed and when the kernel booted and it did it’s things, it also waited as long as needed. It just seems to be something with this kernel/tools combo that refuses to wait more then 10 sec…
Also, no, the USB is PCIe 1x based, not USB and are standard intel branded 1G chips.
As far as type, Dell Optiplex 755,760,780,790,990,9020,9030 all show this problem. The less “switches” between the computer and the network core, the better chance of success…the further away…the more likely spanning-tree won’t start fast enough for it because there are more switches in which spanning-tree must calculate before allowing traffic on that port.
Does that help…lol