I’ve recently upgraded my FOG installation 2 days ago from 0.32 to 1.1.0 and all went well; apart from an issue with the Kernel which Tim Elliot sorted out for me. So since then it’s been working fine. However this afternoon, when I tried re-imaging a computer, FOG kept prompting invalid login at the Quick Image option, so I decided to login via the web UI to look at the problem; but I couldn’t login with my usual credential. The web UI kept prompting invalid login as well.
So I restarted the FOG server itself and this hasn’t fixed the issue. The last thing that was done before I tried running Quick Image was an Image Upload; which seem to have been successful upon logging to the FOG server I can’t even locate the said image within the \images directory.
Just in case, at the moment there is about 55 GB storage space left on the FOG server storage.
I would appreciate if someone can help with this.