We are having random issues where our captured image stops deploying successfully and when this happens we notice the ‘Image Size ON CLIENT’ on the image in FOG has changed to saying it’s just 0 bytes. Any further deployments of this image just fail, so we are having to recapture our image to get it to work again.
We think it happens when an image fails to deploy to a client for whatever reason, then FOG is changing the image size to 0 bytes which in turn is causing the image to stop deploying.
We found in the recent FOG change logs some references to the image file size, so we are thinking it’s something that might be fixed in newer versions of FOG? Is there any more information about this?
Due to it being quite difficult to update our FOG install, we are wondering if there might be a quick fix we could apply to our current version of FOG to fix this particular issue?
If that is not an option, is there an easy way to just tell it to re-import/recheck the image files on the server, as the files still seem to be there?
Current FOG version: 1.5.4