The last problem was tha windows main partition ! Now it works perfectly ! Thx for your precious help.
The last problem was tha windows main partition ! Now it works perfectly ! Thx for your precious help.
Hey !
like @Tom-Elliott says , 1.5.10-x is the good way but if your problem is still present so i would ask you this :
is it working ?
script is working but something is wrong
it seems that fog cannot find or access to the unattend file (autounattend.xml)
i have read in a @george1421 post a special bloc like :
mkdir /ntfs 2>/dev/null
mount.ntfs-3g “${osdiskpart}” /ntfs 2>/tmp/mntfail
if [ ! “$mntRet” = “0” ]; then
echo “Failed to mount C:”;
cat /tmp/mntfail;
sleep 12;
exit 1;
Should i put this in my fog.postdownload juste before my sed command or am wrong and another way exists ?
i think the postdownload possibility is just amazing cause you can personalize like you want.
in /images/postdownloadscripts/ :
fog.postdownload (default file)
. ${postdownpath}/fog.custominstall
sed -i -e “s#<ComputerName>([^<][^<]*)</ComputerName>#<ComputerName>$hostname</ComputerName>#gi” $unatendfile
Should be right ?
I found this post
moderator @george1421 put an important information about possibility to update unattend file. So it would be possible to use Fog variable into the file.
If it works like he says so it means that i don t need Fog client install on my golden image and the Setup complete cmd.
If i understand, first in put in a post download script (/images/postdownloadscripts/myfogscript.sh)
This :
And this :
sed -i -e “s#<ComputerName>([^<][^<]*)</ComputerName>#<ComputerName>$hostname</ComputerName>#gi” $unatendfile
So it means that it could may be possible to change hostname without fog client on machine right?
Hello rodluz,
Well i follow what you suggest and it works with Fog client into the machine the Setup complete and auto reboot.
I would have prefered a solution without the Fog client on machine but it seems impossible with sysprep stape.
Thx a lot for your help!!
Thx you for tour answer. Well, at first and to this stape, we don t want any options for joining domain. That s why our unattend file is voluntary light.
I will try a fog client installation on my golden image before sysprep then New capture and deploy to see if it changes something or not with the hostname.
Moreover I will try to migrate on 1.5.10 like you suggest.
I will tell you the results.
Hello everyone,
Our environment :
-fog server 1.5.9 on deb12
-W10/W11 clients without fog client service
With this AmaZing Fog, When i deploy image W10 without sysprep, the hostname is the one that i have written in Fog GUI, and all is fine.
When i deploy image W10 with sysprep, the hostname is random and different of my Fogdatabase.
In the unattend file i got <ComputerName></ComputerName> and with or without value it changes nothing, it’s not the fog hostname from GUI.
In fog server, i saw variable called $hostname, is it possible to implemant this variable in the unattend file ?
or another easy way is possible ?
Need Help please. Thx