as always the problem is between the keyboard and the chair
I tried to caputre the wrong Mac…
Now it Captures…
Sorry for making taking so much time.
thank you very much.
as always the problem is between the keyboard and the chair
I tried to caputre the wrong Mac…
Now it Captures…
Sorry for making taking so much time.
thank you very much.
Thank you for answering.
@Sebastian-Roth said in Added Printers not showing:
deleted the manually assinged printers
What is the right way you could advise for Printer deployment?
I thougt, I have to install (Administrator user) the Printers to make sure the drivers are installed and the remove the printers manually, so that they could be asigned by fog. As Adminuser this works perfekt. If I log in as a different user it wont work.
Is that the right way or can you describe how it should be done to work properly.
Kind regards
I read severalt posts of Printer Problems and tried very much to get my problem solved, but unfortunatly not.
Here is what I have done:
Now in FOG 1.5.10:
\rto-server1\Info4Farbe as Network-Printer
\rto-server1\Info4SW as Network-Printer
As local Admin ist works perferctly. If I login as a differnt User (no Admin) I become the Printers not. Log is showong:
19.10.2023 17:24:00 Client-Info Client Version: 0.13.0
19.10.2023 17:24:00 Client-Info Client OS: Windows
19.10.2023 17:24:00 Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.10
19.10.2023 17:24:00 Middleware::Response Success
19.10.2023 17:24:01 PrinterManager Adding printers
19.10.2023 17:24:01 PrinterManager \rto-server1\Info4Farbe already exists
19.10.2023 17:24:01 PrinterManager \rto-server1\Info4SW already exists
I tried to restart the spooler, and the fog service. Same Problem.
I looked on the printserver at the ports and saw that there were no Network-Ports (in the Admin User there are Ports).
Can you help me here.
Kind regards
@Sebastian-Roth said in Boot pxe from partition instead of USB:
I understand the bless comand but will this not change the boot partition permanently? I dont have a problem to boot from the right partion.
no I have the time to deal with this problem again.
Again further details how I have done it:
could it be that there have to be done other work that the fat32 boot partition will find the exact file to boot.
I have made the USB-boot sticks with Rufus. I dont kow if there were made changes by rufus.
thank you very much.
i have the fog client on windows 10 to map network printers. On some clients it works on others it dont.
I tried UNC Path and with IP, but the same thing.
As I read the log there would be wrote that the printers are already mapped but they dont.
Can you please help me.
thnak you Mathew
It is the same as on my USB-Sticks. I only copied the content of the USB to the FAT Partition
I made a partition in os X and formated it with FAT32, then i copied the stuff of my BootUSB to the partition. After this on botting the partition is shown as EFIboot.
When I select this FAT32 EFIboot the error will be shown.
I think it could be a Problem with the masterboot record? but I dont have the experience to fix it.
Do think this could be the Problem?
Thank you
thank you for repleing.
I tried to boot form a FAT32 Partition with the grub form my working USB bootstick. I copied the files to the FAT32 Partition and booted form it with the following error
app.efi: LocateProtocoll(AppleLogging) succeeded
error: no such partition
Do you have a hint for me?
Kind regards
i have 86 iMacs booting in windows 10. Fog client is installed and should map the Networkprinters.
I have problems on some clients that they won’t get the assigned printers, so do.
I tried to manage the printers only by fog and that the existing would not be deleted. Bevor distributing the image I installed on the image client every network printer, so every client should have the drivers and was connected to every printer in my network. After this I deleted the mapped printers and distributed the image.
Please see some screenshoots.!
Mod edit: cross link to https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/16725/printer-mapping-wont-work
is it possible to make a small partition with the grub pxe on every mac instead of pluging in a USB?
Did someone tried this?
If it is possible in OS X to hide the partition I think this would be the best way to boot iMacs…
thank you