@george1421 No unfortunately I dont have an available to me to test.
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RE: FOS Questions
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RE: Trouble installing SmartClient on MacOS Sierra
@kwetiaw I’m getting this same error on HS has this been resolved?
RE: FOS Questions
@george1421 No unfortunately I dont have an available to me to test.
RE: FOS Questions
@george1421 here at my Campus on the PC side its all Dell. In the past 5 years we’ve gone from being a 60/40 Windows/mac shop to a 90/5/5 Chromebook/Windows/Mac shop. Vendor for PC’s is Dell, Vendor for Chromebooks is Acer…Although I did just submit a purchase request for 4 teachers that are going to get the MS Surface Pro 6.
At our other campuses on the Windows Laptop side they do have Acer and Toshiba laptops in addition to the Dell’s. I’ve just kept my stuff all dell here.
RE: FOS Questions
@Junkhacker I’m not a programmer to be able to help much here…but a few weeks ago we had a microsoft rep come down to try and help our district IS dept with a roll out of intune. In looking at the various ways to bind the machines for provisioning they had a powershell script that grabbed the serial, windows product id, and the machine hash that you then import into intune so the device can be provisioned…I would think this would be something unique to each machine despite vendor. The powershell script name is Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 …If you look for that file on google yourll find all the articles about it. Here is one of the articles. They dont go into much detail other then they use wmi to gather the info. This file is the content of the ps1 file.
RE: FOS Questions
@george1421 so I had my buddy come down with one of his Dell XPS 13’s…we went through the same process as i did with my machines and produced the same results when selecting option 1. So what we did then was launch a full inventory and create a hostname, because it didnt already exist on my server we didnt get that error. when it was complete i went to my fog server and the host registered…i assigned it a test image to see if it would work and scheduled an immediate image. rebooted machine to the FOG usb and selected option 1 again and this time it imaged. So thats great that part is working…so i think if we can get the host to be locked into the UUID instead of the MAC then he will probably be in pretty good shape.
RE: FOS Questions
@george1421 yes its seems like its talking to the FOG server…Im in testing right now with a couple Dell960 sff’s using the EXT USB Nic from Monoprice. But for my friend its a couple Dell XPS 13’s that are known to have problems with pxe and dont come with a built in NIC…after imaging they are going to be on wifi…so i think scheduled tasks are going to be a problem. If I install the FOG client on the laptop it will register the mac of the wifi adaptor. I read somewhere that FOG was changing it to where the clients would register with their UUID, but havent seen that to be the case.
RE: FOS Questions
@george1421 Thanks again for the quick response…what if im testing with an ext USB Nic? When I run the full inventory it doesnt recognize it so it asks for hostname and when i type it in it says it already exists with another MAC address
RE: FOS Questions
@george1421 Thanks for the quick response… I’m running FOG 1.5.5 on CentOS Server 7. I built the USB following the instructions on this article.
FOS Questions
Trying to help a friend out that has some Dell Laptops that wont pxe boot to usb Nic cards that newer versions of the same model boot from without issue. Attempting the FOS USB, got it built and can boot from it. However on selecting FOG Image Deploy/Capture it loads and then gives the following error and will just reboot after a minute.  ANy help would be appreciated.