my goal is to avoid this MS sysprep shit when deploying serveral pc`s and to do minor actions on the machine itself.
I have a FOG Server running on Hyper-V (Server 2016), Ubuntu Mate … works
my "Master"Host is w10Pro6 fully installed with FOG Service instaled, PXE works
My steps:
Starting MasterHost and make a quick registration (the only time work on the host)
Hostname in dadabast is the MAC, Hostname of MasterHost is a unique windows name (not changed)
at this moment the hostname in database and on the host is different and I would expect the FOG Service to to his work and make a hostname change and reboot. It does not.
Even after another reboot, the hostname is not changed.
that means also a red icon instead of a green one because my DNS Server does not know the hostname written in database and cannot ping.
Now I deploy the image I captured before to the same machine hoping for a changed hostname (erasing MBR/GPT tables wait wait wait , there is a thread about this problem, but I didnt do anything yet)
HEUREKA ! Hostname changed ! the icon is already red, but the dns-server can ping the hostname.
is this the solution for changing a hostname? by deploying a whole image?